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Post processing output of ETABLE – Bending, membrane and peak stresses

    • Sebastien ARRIVET


      I'm trying to post process a model mostly built around SHELL181.

      I'm looking for the membrane stresses, bending stresses and peak stresses.

      I understand that those output can be found under the "SMISC" item, number 34 through 42. 

      I tried to se the ETABLE command: ETABLE, SM11,SMISC,34

      But once the data sorted that way, I've no idea how to access it. I'm looking for either a 3D plot of the result (PLNSOL style), or a .csv output so I can find the max, it's localisation, etc.

      Do you have any idea of how to do such a thing ?

      Thanks in advance,


    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee



      Hi Sebastien,


      You can use PLETAB,sm11 for contour plot if the table sm11

      You can use PRETAB command to print the values

      You can also use *VWRITE command to write the data to a text file. use *cfopen to open a text file, then *vwrite to write the data and then *cfclos to close the text file



      • Sebastien ARRIVET


        Thanks for your answer ! I just tried the PLETAB command following your input, turns out the output sm11 isn’t stored. I though OUTRES,ALL,ALL would cover it all, but looks like it’s not. I’ll try to investigate that. The element guide said it was automatic in the .rst file (there is a Y in the R colonne) so I though the outres would be enough


      • Sebastien ARRIVET

        Finaly understood how to use PLETAB,sm11 in combinaison with ETABLE, and it works ! Thank you so much for your time, and have a nice day !


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