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Polarisation mode in different port for arrays

    • Carlos


      I have defined an array of 3x3 elements. In each of them I have defined a port with 2 excitation modes. The problem is that when analysing the modes, each port applies a different polarisation, as shown in the images. How can I make all the cells have the same polarisation, as shown in the first image?


    • Chinmay T
      Forum Moderator


      How did you assign the wave ports?

      Please share the screenshots of mode alignments (you can get it by clicking on the wave ports under excitations node in the Project manager wnido) for all the wave ports and edit sources dialogue box.


      • Carlos

        Do you know how can I do it?

        Thanks again!

    • Carlos
      I have defined the integration line in such a way that both modes are orthogonal. However, I have tried different configurations such as putting only the integration line to the first mode, and the second one undefined, or the second one with the same line as the first mode.
      In addition, from the Edit Sources window, I also tried changing the phase of the second mode, but this had no effect either.
      I attach the images.
      Kind regards.
    • Chinmay T
      Forum Moderator


      Can you please share the screenshots of all the field patterns belonging to the modes from Port Field Display?

      Thank you,

      • Carlos

        Hello again,

        I attach the field pattern for each port. Also, I include the configuration for the wave port configuration that I used. As you can see, every port has a different polarisation. How can I achieve to get the same on each of them as horizontal or vertical direction?

        Thanks again.

        Field pattern for port 1

        Field pattern for port 2

        Field pattern for port 3

        Field pattern for port 4

        Field pattern for port 5

        Field pattern for port 6

        Field pattern for port 7

        Field pattern for port 8

        Field pattern for port 9

        Wave port configuration

    • Chinmay T
      Forum Moderator


      We need more information about your model.

      What kind/type of array you are simulating?

      Kindly share the setup of your model, boundary conditions, materials, etc. that you used to simulate this model.

      Thank you,

      • Carlos


        I have an structure like this, with a PEC as a material. Also, inside the cavities, I fill with vaccumm and I put a radiation boundary on the top of the array. 



        Boundary condition

    • Chinmay T
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Carlos,

      I meant, what type of application you are simulating? Is it transmission line, waveguide or some other application?


      • Carlos

        In this case it is a waveguide 

    • Chinmay T
      Forum Moderator



      Please try increasing the length of the waveguide and instead of radiation boundary assign the ports to the other end of the waveguides and check.

      You can go through the "Waveguide Simulation Using Ansys HFSS" AIC course for more information on how to simulate waveguide using Ansys HFSS.

      Thank you,


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