General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Point mass information not showing up in analysis load/BC legend

    • cz2mtq

      Just upgraded from 2021 to 2023R2.  How do I turn on display of point mass info in Mechanical.  Loads and BCs show up but not point masses like they did in 2021, see attached pic where A-K labels are point masses.  Thanks.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      We are looking into this and will get back with some feedback soon.

      thank you


    • cz2mtq

      Ok, thanks Eric.  Attached is how it appeared in 2021R1 with point mass names included in the legend.  Not sure it is important, but note that in the 2023R2 labeling, there are 'lettering conflicts' where A,B and C are used for both LBCs and masses, whereas the letter labels were exclusive, not repeated in 2021.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      Many thanks - we are looking into this, but it looks like an issue in 2023 R2 (or something that was taken away, but as you say there is a conflict of annotation letters)


    • cz2mtq

      Was this fixed (or added back in) in 2024R1?

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