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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

Plotting Ex, Ey and Ez in vector forms individually

    • SurabhiGirish.Purohit

      Hello Community,

      I would like to plot the Ex, Ey and Ez component of Total Vector E-field. I could plot it in 2D field reports but is it possible to get them in the 3D field overlays where it plots the Vector_E in arrows pointing.
      If it is possible, can someone guide me how to?

      Best Regards,

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee
      Hi, you can use filed calculator to create Ex, Ey and Ez and then plot them. Here is how you can do it: 1. Maxwell 3D->Fields->Calculator. 2. In field calculator page, Input->Quantity->E, Vector->Scal?->ScalX; Add... In Named Expression Window, type in name Ex. Repeat the same with Ey and Ez 3. Select a point, line, surface, or object in your Maxwell project where you want to create the plot. 4. Go to Maxwell3D or Maxwell2D and navigate to Fields > Fields > Named Expression. 5. In the dialog box that appears, select the derived quantity you want to plot (Ex, Ey, or Ez) and click OK.
    • SurabhiGirish.Purohit


      When Vector - Scal? is selected and added to the calculator. It does not appear in Plot fields (Named Expression). It only appears when I try and plot 2D rectangular plot which is not what I need. 

      I want the function of plotting Vector E field but for individual component. But for surity, do you feel comfortable sharing snaps of your solution?


      Many Regards,


    • mohan.g90

      Hello I am trying to plot Ex Ey and Ez in 2D and unable to plot, can anyone share steps to follow to get them ?



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