General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Plot results from 0 sec

    • rfn


      I have performed a thermal transient analysis. The time is composed of 2 types of steps: small and big steps. The simulation time is 0.05 sec. From 0 to 0.005 sec, the time step is 0.0001 sec and from 0.005 to the end, the time step is 0.0005 sec.

      When I try to plot the results, for instance the temperature, the plot doesn't show results from 0 sec on the time axis.


      However, when I track the global temperature. I can see, it is starting from 0 sec.

      I have tried different techniques like store results at all time points, specified recurrence rate and also added an apdl command 



      But nothing changed.

      I would appreciate to solve this issue.


    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      There is no solution at time=0.  For the MAPDL solver all time points must be positive and greater than zero.  If you want a near zero solution, begin with a very small initial time step. 


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