

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Phase on Boundary Condition Fluent

    • fpsundari


      I try to make a CFD simulation for propeller. I would like to use inlet as velocity inlet, outlet as pressure outlet, and farfield as pressure farfield. I also set the air density as ideal gas. The simulation set as steady and use K-omega SST. But the initialization failed. There is a massage "compute processes interrupted. Processing can be resume." 

      After read the ansys guide book, I realized that pressure farfield can't applied for mixture phase, but the setting automatically choose as mixture and can't be changed. What should I do to solve this? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Don't use far field - it's not intended for multiphase models. Why do you need ideal gas for air? 

    • fpsundari


      I wanna do an acoustic analysis for small propeller in open space, not wind tunnel. So I set the boundaries as inlet, outlet, and farfield. But the term to set the farfield as pressure-farfield is must set the air density as ideal gas. 

      And…sir, could you explain to me please, why my simulation automatic set as mixture even the material of fluid is just air? 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Because it's a phase mixture, you'll find phase-1 and phase-2 etc (or whatever you called them) under the mixture option on the bc panel. It's not necessarily air, it has the potential to be air and/or whatever else is in there. 

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