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PEmag design not running


    • Andres Nader

      Hello everyone, I'm trying to run a simulation from PEmag to ANSYS 3D but everytime I click on the 3D modeler the program shut down and I get nothing. I can't even generate a Description file without the program crashing.

      That's my workspace.

      The software says that the designis properly defined

      I'd appreciate any ideas on this.


    • Ivonne Marti
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Andres,

      I have done a quick check in 23R2 and I didn’t see any issue. The steps I have followed to create the Ansys 3D design are:

      1/ Go to Modeler/ Maxwell2D/3D Link / Eddy Current

      2/ Choose 3D and the relevant “Select Link Options”

      3/ the Maxwell model is created automatically

      Please check that you have followed the same steps. If this is the case and the model still not working, check in detail your PEmag model and be sure that your design can be generated in 3D. Also check all the information in the PEmag model.

      I hope this helps you


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