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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

PE mag to Maxwell 3D

    • rramachandran


      I am not able to create a 3D model from PE mag. Its always creating 2D model.

      In the also not able to start model generation directly from PE mag. 

      Have anyone experienced such or some solution for it?




    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Rakesh,

            Could you test an example in C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\v242\Win64\UPM\Examples\PEmag? 

            To generate 3D, you need to select 3D button.


    • rramachandran

      Hi HDLI,

      I cannot generate 3D. Selection button for 3D is not active , eventhough you can apply symmetry and its not generating 3D.



    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Rakesh,

            What is your meaning of "Selection button for 3D is not active"? What happens when you click this button of "3D"? 

            Do you test the example in the Maxwell installation folder? Thanks.



    • rramachandran

      Hi Again,

      Example is also not working. Nothing happens when I click the 3D button. you can see from the picture above the 2D button is still active but not able to click the 3D button.

      In some of the videos from PEMag to 3D I am supposed to get something like this but I am not getting it.



    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Rakesh,

             When you see this 3D button down by clicking, it means you select the 3D option, and I think you could export 3D model. Please click "OK".


    • rramachandran

      3D button is not down. Even when I click, 3D button doesnot go down.



    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Rakesh,

             Please see your attached last picture, 3D button is down.



    • rramachandran

      Hi, please read the comment above the picture that screenshort is from a video. I am not getting it. I am getting the pictures in the first screenshort.



    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Rakesh,

            OK. I get it, that you never get the 3D button down. 

            1). If it is a student version, I suppose it may be a limitation because I could export 3D model in PEmag. 

            2). Could you try to reinstall the software perfect? disable all the security apps like anti-virus, etc. and uninstall package completely before reinstalling it. 

            It still does not work after reinstallation, unfortunately, this question is beyond the scope for Ansys employees to answer on a public forum as it requires to verify the system. We encourage other participants on the forum to help with your problem.



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