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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

PCB Thermal analysis


    • pradeep krishna

      Process step PCB thermal analysis in Siwave and Electronics  ansys tool

    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Pradeep,

      Thank you for reaching out to the Ansys learning forum. 

      It is not possible to guide you with the amount of information provided. Please elaborate on your query to help us serve you better.

      Best regards,

    • pradeep krishna

      I have license but i don't know the how to setup i had referred some videos in youtube but no use

      i have to learn PCB thermal analysis 

      how to setup PCB thermal analysis  Kindly provide the user guide 

    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Pradeep,

      SIwave alone does not do PCB thermal simulations. SIwave can be used for performing DCIR simulations which provide the IR drops (electrical power loss) over the PCB. These IR drops can be used as inputs to Icepak for performing thermal simulations. 

      Ansys Electronic Desktop Icepak is the tool for performing the thermal simulations.

      Regarding your request to provide help in setting up a model for thermal simulations, you can refer to the product documentation of Icepak for more information on the steps to set up a model and run a thermal simulation. In case you need further detailed help on applying the steps to your application, I suggest you reach out to Ansys via your organization so that we can work out a solution to provide more focused and mentored guidance on the tool usage. It would be difficult to carry that out on this platform as this forum is intended more for information purposes rather than training.

      Best regards,

    • pradeep krishna

      Thank you


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