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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Patch Initialization in TUI 2019R2

    • dkmenend


      I am using Ansys Fluent 2019R2 on my school's High Power computing cluster meaning I can only use the TUI. When I setup my case, I want to use patch initialize using named expressions that I have created. This is doable in the GUI but it only lets me use a real value in the TUI, is there a way to solve this issue and apply the named espression?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Possibly not with 2019R2 as Expressions would have been very new and the associated TUI menus may not be available. If you can initialise the model on local machine you can read case and data for running on the cluster. 

      2024R2 is the current release, so maybe time to suggest that 5 years of development means IT need to do an update? 

    • dkmenend

      Hi Rob,

      Thanks for your answer. Do you know of another way in Fluent 2019 to initialzine a single zone that would achieve the same condition as and IF statement that looks for Position.x>0.02[m] and then assigns a value? To my understandig Field functions do not do this unless I am mistaken.

      Additionally, If I am importing a case and data which uses a chemkin mechanism, will the cluster be able find the chemkin files specified in the case if I simple also add those to my working directory? 

      Thanks again for your help.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      No, Field Functions would give you (for example) a way to set another value as a function of position. So Temperature = f(x-coordinate) as an idea. I think for 2019 you'd need to use an adaption register to split off some cells. It's a good reason to update to the new release! I can't check 2019 as I don't have it installed. 

      You may need to check Fluent saved a local path for the mechanism (ie ./my_stuff as opposed to c:/stuff/random/more_stuff ) but otherwise, yes it should be OK. A colleague covers Chemkin and the other combustion tools and I've not heard of any issues moving to our cluster from a desktop. 


    • dkmenend

      Hi Rob,

      Thanks for the information. My school's process for installing new software systemwide on the cluster asks that I do it on my local cluster drive space first.

      I've found the following resource for installing Ansys products on Linux, do you know of any other resources I could use to help me with installing Fluent 2024 on my school's cluster? 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Other than not recommending any third party sites, I can only refer you to the Customer Portal as there are installation instructions with the software downloads. If you don't have access you will need to register, the account number is in the licence file, or was anyway. 

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