July 19, 2024 at 9:09 pm
SubscriberHow do we assess effect of ground plane size on system noise floor? I have HFSS data of a device containing a LTCC antenna mounted on a PCBA. The antenna is fed with a coplanar TL. I want to determine the effect of GP cuts/size on system noise floor. What is the best approach using HFSS simulation? I am evaluating using HFSS Circuit to simulate NF and including a dipole source in HFSS with added noise to look at S21. Is there any other approach I am not seeing?
October 15, 2024 at 7:48 am
Aymen Mzoughi
Ansys EmployeeYou can parametrize the ground surface in HFSS and run a parametric analysis there to see the impact of ground size on the results.
If you are using AEDT Circuit with the HFSS design embedded in it (co-simulation), you can define the ground parameters in HFSS as project variables and change them directly in Circuit
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