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Particle overlap in DPM

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan


      I have used DPM with reflect Boundary condition on a cylinder wall. I observe that the particles overlap on each other instead of the particles going one on top of the other.
      Is there a way by which I can ask fluent to place one particle over the other? From the image attached below you can see that the particles in red and green to show the particle residence time and it is clear that the particles are overlapping on each other.
      Any references to a UDF would be appreciated.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That may well be the particle display settings, so check the sphere size. However, also remember that the DPM model uses a point mass approach so it is possible to have two particles occupying the same space. 

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan

      It's a 1:1 model, not scaled by any proportion. Which method should I consider for a particles to maintain their rigid boundaries.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you want to see the build up and packing you'll need to use Rocky, and that can be coupled with Fluent. There is training material coming with 2024R1 which is due fairly soon. 

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