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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Particle count using particle ID

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan

      I used a UDF to count the particles that hit a wall. I save the particle ID's using p-> part_id;
      I see that there is a lot of repeating ID's from the data that I export.
      My question is why am I seeing number/ ID's that repeat? I have posted an example of the id numbers of these particles.

      I have more examples below and the particles when sorted show 4 id's of the same number then it changes to a new number.



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What is the DPM wall setting? 

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan

      This is a custom DPM BC, I used a UDF.
      Under certain condition the particle sticks (Particle ID is written into a text file) and then the path is aborted.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You shouldn't see repeats if the particle isn't bouncing. Are you running single or multiple nodes Fluent?

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan

      I’m not sure what you mean by this. I ran the simulation using 4 or 6 processor cores (not sure exactly how many processors I used).

      When I run it with 6 processors I still see that the particle ID’s repeat for approximately 4 times in the text file. Do you think I must only count one particle ID once rather than take the sum of all these id’s?

      This is what I see when I go to parallel> network> bandwidth


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      And when you run on one processor?

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan


      I ran it with 1 processor, and I still see 4 ID’s which repeat.


      I have attached my DPM setting, I made sure I have disabled reinjection.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Does the UDF tag the particle as trapped and then abort? Is there a way for a particle to be tagged to the file, but not by the kill rule?

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan

      From the manual what I see is that if I use PATH_ABORT fluent understands it as particle trapped.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It does, but check the reporting function is also triggering PATH_ABORT instantly. 

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan


      What do you mean by checking the reporting functions which are triggered?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you trigger the report does it instantly trigger the PATH_ABORT or is there another particle integration step before the PATH_ABORT?

      • kiran.purushothamakeshavan

        No there is no particle integration time step before the particle aborts.

        Interesting thing to note is that my DPM summary is as follows:

        This is my DPM settings:

        From one of your article I found the relationship between number of parcels and number of particles:

        Multiphase Flows: All Categories>Fluids - Multiphase Flows>How are number of particles per parcel calculated for unsteady DPM simulations?

        From this what I understand is that I would release 20 particles (because form the ecxcel sheet, #particles/ parcel ~ 1 and number of stream = 20) every 0.01s, so for the entirity of the simulation I would have 20*200 particles for 2 seconds. 

        Instead, from my PATH_ABORT section of my UDF, I get this repeating particle ID's:

        Why do I see So many particles with repeating ID's and varied values of particle velocity at imoact with the custom wall?

        I hope the question is clear.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Having spoken to DEV the parcel IDs are supposed to be unique but may not be under certain circumstances. Please review the release notes when 25R1 becomes available. 

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan


      I tried checking for the particle tracks> reporting> summary, gives me the total particles in the system as follows:

      This gives me a proper estimate for the number of particles in the domain while my text file gives me a total of 12761 rows of particle ID's (most of them are repeating).

      But when I check for the number of unique particle ID's from the data I get from the text file. I see that the number of particles =3400.

      Why is this happening?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      So the unique IDs tie up with the Fluent report? 

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan



      But each repeated ID gives me atleast one variation of the velocity values. It’s just confusing why this happens.


      Do you think I must just stick to using the unique particle ID’s and velocities for my calculations?



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Hence checking parallel and integration steps post report & pre-Abort.  And my comments re 25R1. 

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