August 13, 2024 at 1:01 pm
I am trying to use the partial slip for rarefied flow regime for simulating a nozzle with density based solver in fluent. But whenever I select this option for the wall boundary condition, I get this error.Â
Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list
Error Object: 0
I am using fluent 2024 R1 and my domain is fluid. I also need to keep the wall at a certain fixed temperature. However, if I select zero heat flux, then this does not happen. Please, can someone let me know what is the error?Â
August 13, 2024 at 1:28 pm
Forum ModeratorThat's a Scheme error so generally means there's a setting missing somewhere. Depending on what you set/reset/unset/changed and in what order you may have managed to activate an option that's not got a value associated with it. Check through all of the boundary conditions to see if you can find a blank selection. Right-click on Boundary Conditions to List Modified Settings as that may highlight the issue.Â
If you have corrupted the case you may need to read the mesh in and set up from scratch.Â
August 13, 2024 at 1:43 pm
SubscriberThanks for your reply. I did set up the case from the start with reading the mesh. Right after I enable density based solver, energy equation and viscous laminar, I go to boundary conditions and put the partial slip, then I get the error. I do not have a solid wall domain, is that the reason that I can not put the partial slip?Â
And what is the meaning of vibrational electronic accommodation coefficient? This also gets enabled with thermal accommodation coefficient, although I have not enabled the two temperature model in energy equation? This is what I understood from user guide" If the Two-Temperature model is engaged, a jump boundary condition is applied to the vibrational-electronic energy as suggested by Nompelis et al [107]:"Â
August 13, 2024 at 2:04 pm
August 13, 2024 at 2:16 pm
SubscriberThe wall is stationary in this case? I restarted the case by reading mesh again. I tried the moving wall anyway but did not work, as soon as I click temperature in thermal conditions, I get that error again.Â
If I run my case despite the error, would the solution be accurate?
August 13, 2024 at 2:23 pm
Forum ModeratorMoving won't alter the set up issue - it's just an example model I had loaded.Â
That is a Scheme error so you may find it won't run, and as I have no idea why it triggers in this case I don't know what the result would be if it did.Â
August 13, 2024 at 2:27 pm
SubscriberThis is my setup. I reaaly could not find out what problem there is, but maybe you can see it?Â
Version: 3d, dp, dbns imp, lam (3d, double precision, density-based implicit, laminar)
Release: 24.1.0
------  Model             Settings  Â
  Space             3D     Â
  Time             Steady   Â
  Viscous            Laminar  Â
  Heat Transfer         Enabled  Â
  Solidification and Melting  Disabled  Â
  Radiation           None    Â
  Species            Disabled  Â
  Coupled Dispersed Phase    Disabled  Â
  NOx Pollutants        Disabled  Â
  SOx Pollutants        Disabled  Â
  Soot             Disabled  Â
  Mercury Pollutants      Disabled  Â
  Structure           Disabled  Â
  Acoustics           Disabled  Â
  Eulerian Wall Film      Disabled  Â
  Potential/Electrochemistry  Disabled  Â
  Multiphase          Disabled  ÂMaterial Properties
-------------------Â Â Material: air (fluid)
   Property        Units    Method   Value(s)   Â
   Density         kg/m^3   constant  1.225    Â
   Cp (Specific Heat)   J/(kg K)  constant  1006.43   Â
   Thermal Conductivity  W/(m K)   constant  0.0242    Â
   Viscosity        kg/(m s)  constant  1.7894e-05  Â
   Molecular Weight    kg/kmol   constant  28.966    Â  Material: aluminum (solid)
   Property        Units    Method   Value(s)  Â
   Density         kg/m^3   constant  2719    Â
   Cp (Specific Heat)   J/(kg K)  constant  871    Â
   Thermal Conductivity  W/(m K)   constant  202.4   ÂCell Zone Conditions
--------------------Â Â Zones
   name   id  type  Â
   fluid  11  fluid  Â  Setup Conditions
     Condition    Value  Â
     Frame Motion?  no   Â
     Mesh Motion?   no   ÂBoundary Conditions
-------------------Â Â Zones
   name          id  type       Â
   bottom_plane      14  symmetry     Â
   nozzle_side_wall    15  wall       Â
   nozzle_profile_wall  16  wall       Â
   plume_midplane     19  symmetry     Â
   nozzle_midplane    17  symmetry     Â
   inlet         13  pressure-inlet  Â
   outlet         18  pressure-outlet  Â  Setup Conditions
     Condition  Value  Â
     -----------------   nozzle_side_wall
     Condition               Value               Â
     Thermal BC Type            Temperature            Â
     Temperature [K]            453.15              Â
     Wall Motion              Stationary Wall          Â
     Shear Boundary Condition       Partial Slip For Rarefied Gases  Â
     Momentum Accommodation Coefficient  0.8                Â
     Thermal Accommodation Coefficient   0.85               Â   nozzle_profile_wall
     Condition               Value               Â
     Thermal BC Type            Temperature            Â
     Temperature [K]            453.15              Â
     Wall Motion              Stationary Wall          Â
     Shear Boundary Condition       Partial Slip For Rarefied Gases  Â
     Momentum Accommodation Coefficient  0.8                Â
     Thermal Accommodation Coefficient   0.85               Â   plume_midplane
     Condition  Value  Â
     -----------------   nozzle_midplane
     Condition  Value  Â
     -----------------   inlet
     Condition          Value  Â
     Gauge Total Pressure [Pa]  200   Â
     Total Temperature [K]    453.15  Â   outlet
     Condition       Value  Â
     Gauge Pressure [Pa]  20   ÂSolver Settings
---------------Â Â Equations
   Equation  Solved  Â
   Flow    yes   Â  Numerics
   Numeric             Enabled  Â
   Absolute Velocity Formulation  yes    Â  Under-Relaxation Factors
   Variable  Relaxation Factor  Â
   Solid    1          Â  Linear Solver
   Variable  Solver Type  Termination Criterion  Residual Reduction Tolerance  Â
   Flow    F-Cycle    0.1                          Â  Discretization Scheme
   Variable  Scheme        Â
   Flow    Second Order Upwind  Â  Time Marching
   Parameter     Value   Â
   Solver      Implicit  Â
   Courant Number  5     Â  Solution Limits
   Quantity             Limit  Â
   Minimum Absolute Pressure [Pa]  1    Â
   Maximum Absolute Pressure [Pa]  5e+10  Â
   Minimum Static Temperature [K]  1    Â
   Maximum Static Temperature [K]  5000  ÂÂ
August 13, 2024 at 3:11 pm
Forum ModeratorThat looks OK. Can you checkÂ
/define/models/two-temperature/ and ensure enable? is "no".Â
The only difference in my model is there is no Thermal Accommodation Coefficient to set.Â
August 13, 2024 at 4:34 pm
August 13, 2024 at 4:42 pm
Forum ModeratorThat's the problem: the solver has the model as off and the GUI thinks it's on. If you can turn the model on try and see if you can & then turn it off. Otherwise read the mesh into a new Fluent session and see if that works.Â
August 13, 2024 at 4:51 pm
August 14, 2024 at 8:49 am
Forum ModeratorYou had the problem before it failed to enable? Can you try in 24R2?Â
August 14, 2024 at 9:13 am
SubscriberYes, the two-temperature model does not enable even if I try to, as it tells me I don't have license. So it error exists even before enabling.Â
For 24 R2 I don't have access to it. The latest version available for me if 24R1.
August 14, 2024 at 9:19 am
Forum ModeratorFor some reason part of the model is trying to activate. You won't have a licence as it's not available by default. The question is why your model seems to try and use it.Â
August 14, 2024 at 9:40 am
SubscriberI have no idea, I just start the session with density based solver and then fill in the wall boundary conditions and error just appears.Â
August 15, 2024 at 2:20 pm
Forum ModeratorThere may be a bug, a check this side shows that 24R2 is working. I'm not aware of any workaround for 24R1 at present.Â
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