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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Output The Material Properties Used for an Import Trace

    • Austin Dennis

      I'm looking to output a plot of the material properties for different layers in my Import Trace simulation. The goal is to create something similar to a "Material Plot" item but having the granularity of the Import Trace material fraction map. If anyone could advise me on how to do this, that would be appreciated.

    • Rahul Kumbhar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Austin,

      There is no option to ouput the material plot. In the Imported Trace mapping, Mechanical shows trace mapping plot which is basically volume metal fraction plot. 

    • Austin Dennis

      Is there a different way to see the material properties applied then during the trace simulation? Such as viewing properties sent to each element?

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