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Orbit Plot in ANSYS Rotordynamics Tools

    • kunduraci.ahmetfurkan

      Hi everyone,
      I am working on vibration analysis of rotating shaft.

      When I use "Orbital Plot" in Rotordynamic Tools, I can see only 2 degree of motion. 

      So, I use the APDL code below but I cannot get any orbit plot.


      esel,s,ename,,188                 ! Select BEAM188 elements to produce orbits
      set, 2, 5                                  ! Visualize orbits for test point 2, modal 5
      /view,,0.5,1,0.5                       ! Change view (x,y,z)
      /ANGLE, , 45, YS, 1               ! Rotate view (around Y)

      /show, png,                             ! Set white background
      /pnum, elem, 0                   

      /rgb, index, 100, 100, 100, 0  ! Set white background
      /rgb, index, 0, 0, 0, 15          

      plorb                                       ! CREATE ORBIT PLOT


      I want to display an orbit plot showing the rotation of the shaft as shown in the image below.

      Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Please refer to the following forum thread:

      Orbit Plot in ANSYS


      Ashish Khemka

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