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    • Frederic Wu


      What are the potential cause of this problem?

      It says that the results for R are incorrect size and the optimization just ends. Could you please help troubleshoot this issue? (The R here is the transmission of an DFT monitor)

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      In general, if the data matrix size changes during the sweep, or if you sweep wavelength/frequency, such issue can occur.


      Please check what do you sweep, and if the R monitot is changed during sweep?


      If problem still exists, please paste some screenshots of your settings, such as the monitor, and the sweep etc.


    • Haeri Hanania

      I have the same problem. Here is the screenshot. Looks like it is loading 0 of 2 and 1 of 2 when loading and analyzing which leads to failure of generating results after sweeps are complete.

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Usually same issue the same solution. Make sure each sweep will not cause the monitor data matrix dimension change.

      It seems your software is old version. The new version has clear warning (xx is the field component in the case below)

      The results from the individual stimulations of '::model::monitor::XX' are of different sizes and could not be saved.

    • Haeri Hanania

      The monitor is fixed and of the same size and does not change during sweep.

    • Haeri Hanania


      And my other colleagues are using the same version of software and optimization sweep without any problems. I discussed with them and I use the same way they use it.

      I tried running a simple sweep and it worked fine. It's just the optimization sweep that's causing the error of incorrect size.


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      It is less likely that the sweep its self cause any issues otherwise all the sweeps will have issues. If you cannot duplicate the error, it will be more difficult for us. Probably you can delete the current sweep object and then add a new one again, and test if it works.

      Please check the warning message and then check what cause it as I cannot read the warning message from your screeshot.

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