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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

One phase flow and two phase flow porous media in horizontally stratified bed

    • bscmechengr786

      I have one circular pipe stratified horizontally having 120mm diameter and 600mm length.We have two zones having different porosity ,light green is showing one zone having porosity 0.368 and red zone having porosity 0.375.I also put inertial and viscous resistance of these two zones.We are using water from bottom with velocity 0.01m/s and flow is steady and laminar.The results of velocity vector in these should be different because water is entering from small pores to large pores.The static Pressure is varying in these two zones but the results of velocity vector are same in these two zones.I changed Velocity to 1m/s even that result are same as before.Please guide me if anyone know where I am wrong and what should I need to correct.When I am using water and air and Eulerian model and same velocity for air and water and same volume fraction and turbulent SST K-omega model.And I am using transient.The results for velocity is same for these two zones in two phase flow

    • bscmechengr786

      I have changed my geometry many times and performe many settings but I am unable to get desired results.

    • bscmechengr786

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Why should the velocity be different? Read how the porous media model works carefully. 

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