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Obtaining data from simulations in excel format.

    • mishranamrata1196


      I am using species transport model to see dispersion of species from a source. I need to obtain mass concentration of species on a specific surface in the geometry in excel format. Ansys provides molar concentration but I need mass concentration in excel format. Can someone please help me with this?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which CFD solver are you using? Fluent can export mass or molar fractions in a range of formats that Excel can import. 

    • mishranamrata1196

      I am using pressure based solver in ANSYS fluent

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at Profiles in Physics>Zones. They're intended for transferring data between models but also work for taking data into Excel with a bit of tinkering. 

    • mishranamrata1196

      Hi Rob

      Thankyou for your time. I would like to elaborate my problem. I am considering dispersion of SF6 from a source which is modeled as a fluid zone using cell registers. I have to validate my model with an experimental database where concentration values are specifies at fixed lateral distance (along z direction) in excel. So I need concentration values at the same lateral distances in my geometry. Is there any possible way I can do that? I am attaching a picture of my geometry for your reference. green blocks are the fluid zones and i want concentration values on the wall adjacent to the sources...both  left and right  

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Assuming they're named interior or wall zones, yes, you can extract profiles or use the Report functions. If they're not labelled have a look at the Surface Split tools in Fluent. 

    • mishranamrata1196

      Hi Rob

      I have tried both the ways but again for the molar concentration and probably could not understand the files generated. Also the report gives data against every iteration not the distance. Attaching the screenshot. Please help me out. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Report will give you what you told it to. So whatever the function is every time it's called (iteration or timestep by default). It's another convergence monitor, but I'd only use the final value in most studies. 

      The Profile is single column text. It'll most likely be x, y & z positions and then whatever you told it to report. Again, it's what you asked for in that you wanted position v concentration data on that surface. 

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