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Numerical study of single slope solar still solar still (Ansys Fluent)

    • Himanshu


      I am working on single slope solar still simulation. I have made geometry by design modeler. For meshing, I have used fluent with meshing. If i use unstructed and hexa mesh then i got floating point error after some iterations.

      4cm of water liquid is provided and downcomer is also provided to collect freshwater.Fluent with meshing is used to mesh.

      I am using following models:

      1. Multiphase VOF model: Implicit, 2-phase (Phase-1:- Air-vapor mixture and Phase-2:- Water-liquid), Lee model for evaporation and condensation.
      2. Species Transport: To make mixture phase only.
      3. Viscous model: Laminar
      4. Radiation model (Discrete Ordinates and Solar ray tracing): Solar calculator

      Boundary conditions: Glass cover: Mixed (Thermal), Semi-transparent (Radiation)      Bottom plate: Adiabatic (Thermal), opeque-yes (Radiation)   Other walls and collector: Adiabatic (Thermal), Opeque-No (Radiation).

      Solution methods: SIMPLE Scheme

      Total time of simulation is 11 hours (50400 sec).


      1. From the close domain, mass of water is getting zero while vapor is not generated during simuation.

      mass of water is getting zero.

      Initially water and air is present int the close domain After some iteration water got zero without vapor and air is left.

                                                                 at t = 0 sec                                                                                                                      at t = 3215 sec

      i have tried with 3 phase also (air, vapor and water) by keeping all parameters same, still i got same issues.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If the domain is sealed what gas phase density option are you using? If you focus on the first second or so what's going on in the model?

    • Himanshu


      I am using default setting.


       Defaults settingsMixture material


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If liquid evaporates into vapour where does it go? 

    • Himanshu

      First thing, water vapor is not generated during the simulation and water-liquid volume fraction was reduing with flow time. Water-liquid volume fraction is having range 0-1 before the simulation and 0-9.92e-5 after 3451 sec (Flow time) and after that 0-0.

      where the water is going from the close domain, i don't konw.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      And does the temperature increase during the simulation? Look at the vapour density option and tell me where the expaned vapour goes. 

    • Himanshu

      Temperature is incresing during the simulation. I didn't understand the meaning of expaned vapor.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You have a fixed volume. You have expansion of the vapour phase as temperature rises. Where does the excess volume go? 

    • Himanshu

      I already mentioned vapor was not generated during the simulation.

    • Himanshu

      Sir, can you help me in this project?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      But vapour does expand? 

    • Himanshu

      How can i ensure, whether vapor is expending or not?

      Can you tell me something to verify it?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You're using incompressible ideal gas so it's got to expand if the domain is warming up. Given that, where does the excess volume go? 

    • Himanshu

      Temperature of water is increasing during the dimulation but vapor is not generated. I used 2-phase due to mixture of air and water vapor, so generated vapor will be prasent with air.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, which means the gas is expanding. So, where is the gas going? 

    • Himanshu

      gas is inside the close domain only. In the domain, neither inlet nor outlet is provided.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, and if the gas expands as it gets warm in a sealed domain where does the excess go? 

    • Himanshu

      Gas in the domain is not expanding.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What is the gas density model? 

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