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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Number of variables and equations of a Fluent model


    • Gloria

      Hi! Does anybody know how I can get the number of variables and equations that my Fluent model is solving? 

      Thank you in advance!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It's linked to the models that you have active. What do you want the data for?

    • Gloria

      Hello Rob, thank you for your answer. I want the number of variables and equations that my model is solving to give an idea of the magnitude of the model.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Very roughly, you're solving equations equal to the number of data columns that the TUI shows when running, or number of curves on the residual plot. However, each of those equations are made up of many terms. 

      Number of terms/variables will then come down to solved equations, sub models etc. You'd need to go through every setting, find the equations and then add up all of the terms. But some terms may be a constant, a single value for the whole model, vary with each cell, vary multiple times in an iteration etc.  I have no idea how you'd find that number. 

      What do you want to do with the data? Ie what will you do with it? 

    • Gloria

      I need to data in order to state the exact number (I will not do any further calculations with them). Is there any command or option that make these values appear in the command window?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There isn't. 

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