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Not getting pure sine wave and volatage magnitude

    • hameed


      I am working to simulate the axial flux permanent magnet machine i have design all the parameters of model and analyze the setup but the results are not according to standard i need pure sine wave having value in volts (5 to 10V)

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator
      Hi,nnI am moving this post to Electromagnetics.nnRegards,nAshish Khemkan
    • s3740222
      hi Ashish,nWhere can i see electromagnetics forum ?nRegardsn
    • hameed
      HynHow can i contact electromagnetism forum..; n
    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Hi,nCheck the following.nIf your excitation current values, number of turns defined are correct. nAlso, speed of the machine defined is directly proportional to the magnitude of voltage developed.nIf the impedance of your winding is more, machine can't generate enough back emf.nThe phase shift and shape of the waveform are dependent on your winding arrangement and physical design.nThe issue could be mainly related to the design factors rather than the Analysis error.nIf the problem is still not resolved, Provide us with necessary screen shots to understand your design, setup details along with the vesion of Maxwell release you are using.nnRegards,nNavyan
    • hameed
      HynThanks sir for your feedback i have check all the parameters you asked to review in the post.nI have design a axial flux permanent magnet machine on autocad that figure are attached with all parameters and then i export .sat file from autocad 2020 to ansoft maxwell 2013 model and then assign all parameters motor setup cylinder and outer region also draw in autocad file after that i assign the section of windings as coil terminals as attached in figure i have not applied any current or voltage in the windings i just applied motion setup 32000 rpm to both rotors havings permanent magnets and want to get the sinusoidal back emf with nomimal voltage (10V) nin the stator windings. I set the outer region as a insulating body as shown in figure. nKindly guide nThanks. nBest regardsn
    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Hi,nAs an Ansys employee, we are not authorized and can not access any attachments.nAlso we can not guide you directly on your projects or homeworks. But we can provide enough support related to using Ansys software tools.nPlease use upload image option and not the upload file option. Or just copy paste the screenshots.nnRegards,n Navyan
    • hameed
      Ok nSir, nHere are some attached images of my project. According to my observation the issue in the magnet direction actually the path in which flux lines travel as shown in figure.nBest Regards n
    • hameed
      HynSirnAccording to your requirements i have send you the necessary screenshot please review it and replynThanksnn
    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Hameed,nOne thing which I noticed is you are using Ansoft Maxwell13 version - We can only provide support on Ansys tools from R18 to latest version. We suggest you upgrade your version.nWith that said, I have seen the screen shots you have posted and here are the suggestions I can provide for you to check.nIn addition to the above please do the following checksnRun the simulation in Magnetostatic solution and check flux density value in the airgap. If you calculate the induced emf using this flux density and turns in the formula you should get a close value to your requirement. If not either the number of turns is less or you need to use a stronger magnet. This will address the magnitude portion of the waveform.nComing to the shape - As suggested in the above post it is a design factor dependent on the magnet and stator configuration you used (magnet placement and winding distribution). Please connect with the authors of the IEEE paper you are referring to understand if you are missing something and also to learn more about how they dealt with harmonics(this could be another reason).nIf you think magnetization direction is incorrect, Please refer to the Maxwell help documentation to learn more about this topic. nRegardsnNavyan
    • hameed
      Thanks sir nI have get the sinusoidal voltage having nominal magnitude n??n
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