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Not Enough HPC Parallel Licenses 4/2

    • Lachlan Wensley

      Hi there,

      I am currently trying to do a magnetostatic simulation on a magnetorheological fluid brake for my thesis. I am trying to simulate total and directional magnetic flux density. I am getting an error saying Insufficient HPC Licenses available. Below is the full solution information. Also on another note if any one has any good tutorials regarding MR fluids and simulating the stress from the fluid flow and temperature etc that would be awesome.


      Ansys Mechanical Enterprise Academic Student     

       Not enough HPC Parallel licenses 4/2.

       *** ERROR - Insufficient HPC licenses available.
      whybad=       -1074

      +--------------------- M A P D L   S T A T I S T I C S ------------------------+

      Release: 2023 R2            Build: 23.2       Update: UP20230531   Platform: WINDOWS x64
      Date Run: 09/29/2023   Time: 00:09     Process ID: 6528
      Operating System: Windows 10  (Build: 19045)

      Processor Model: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor

      Compiler: Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Version 19.0.5  (Build: 20190815)
                Intel(R) C/C++ Compiler Version 19.0.5  (Build: 20190815)
                Intel(R) Math Kernel Library Version 2020.0.0 Product Build 20191125
                BLAS Library supplied by AMD BLIS

      Number of machines requested            :    1
      Total number of cores available         :   12
      Number of physical cores available      :    6
      Number of processes requested           :    1
      Number of threads per process requested :    4
      Total number of cores requested         :    4 (Shared Memory Parallel)                   

      GPU Acceleration: Not Requested

      Job Name: file
      Working Directory:

      Total CPU time for main thread                    :        0.2 seconds
      Total CPU time summed for all threads             :        0.1 seconds

      Elapsed time spent obtaining a license            :        0.4 seconds
      Elapsed time spent pre-processing model (/PREP7)  :        0.0 seconds
      Elapsed time spent solution - preprocessing       :        0.0 seconds
      Elapsed time spent computing solution             :        0.0 seconds
      Elapsed time spent solution - postprocessing      :        0.0 seconds
      Elapsed time spent post-processing model (/POST1) :        0.0 seconds

      Sum of disk space used on all processes            :        0.0 MB

      Sum of memory used on all processes               :        2.0 MB
      Sum of memory allocated on all processes          :        0.0 MB
      Physical memory available                         :         16 GB
      Total amount of I/O written to disk               :        0.0 GB
      Total amount of I/O read from disk                :        0.0 GB

      +------------------ E N D   M A P D L   S T A T I S T I C S -------------------+

       |                                                                             |
       |                               RUN COMPLETED                                 |
       |                                                                             |
       |                                                                             |
       |  Ansys MAPDL 2023 R2         Build 23.2         UP20230531    WINDOWS x64   |
       |                                                                             |
       |                                                                             |
       |  Database Requested(-db)  1024 MB     Scratch Memory Requested         0 MB |
       |  Maximum Database Used       1 MB     Maximum Scratch Memory Used      1 MB |
       |                                                                             |
       |                                                                             |
       |        CP Time      (sec) =          0.062       Time  =  00:09:27          |
       |        Elapsed Time (sec) =          1.000       Date  =  09/29/2023        |
       |                                                                             |


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      As a guess, if you asked for 4 parallel but only 2 are available I'd try re-running with 2 parallel processes. The licence limits how many cpu can be used. 

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