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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Non-intersected faces at interface – periodic

    • michal.czerwinski

      Hello, I have problems with setting up periodic in my combustion chamber.

      Geometry is a 60 degree piece of CC. I created geometry in spaceclaim both periodic surfaces have the same dimensions.

      I tried to set up periodic as rotational and with given offset 60 degress

      Firstly, I try to set periodic in fluent meshing, but I got error : 

      also tried asymmetric mesh boundaries - didn't work either

      Then, I tried using fluent solver, but I got another error :


      My conclusion is that for some reason fluent doesn't recognieze relation beetwen surfaces. Do you have any ideas what I could set up wrong or which parameters should I check?


      Thanks for your answer

      Kind Regards 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That should be OK. I assume the axis is set correctly? Also try -60 degrees as the order can matter in some cases. 

    • michal.czerwinski


      Thanks for your reply, unfortunettly it didn’t help either. I may found the true problem though.

      Fluent can see that there are 2 periodic surfaces, when I measured geom in Spaceclaim we can see that the angle beetwen them is 60 deg. However when I tried to use auto offset mode, it showed warning. That suggest that the angle is diffrent. So now I wonder at what point could it happened? During meshing or during saving Spaceclaim file or somewhere else?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That's not ideal. The angle should be preserved. How did you mesh the model?

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