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Non equilibrium porous media simulation fluent

    • Proshat Mehdizad

      I am trying to solve an unsteady flow throuth porous media which is a SS mesh under non-equilibrium condition.Do I need to define an additional UDS to solve the porous solid surface temperature and susequently redifine the source term for fluid energy equation? Or when I check the non-qulibriem checkbox under the porous tab, fluent automatically solves the porous solid temperature and adjust the heat transfer between fluid and solid as a source term in fluid energy equation?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Non-equilibrium porous media should do what you need - check the documentation and if in doubt build a 2d test model. I assume the casing around the porous zone is well insulated? 

    • Proshat Mehdizad

      Ok thanks. The reason for my question is that in some other CFD forums there were threads regarding adding a UDS for solving the solid temperature in porous zone, but those threads go back to couple years ago and I am not sue if Fluent had the non-equilibbrium solution at that point. So all in all, no additional UDS definition is required for solving the solid temperature in current version of fluent, correct?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Correct, the model's been in the code for a while but I can't remember which release. Current release is 2023R1 soon to be 2023R2. 

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