General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Neutral axis



      I am writing to seek your assitance to find out the neutral axis of a ship cross section. I have to find out the neutral axis of a cross section which is as shown below. Can we find it from ANSYS mechanical?If possible, could you please help me to find out the location of neutral axis of this cross-section?

      Thanks in advance

    • Armin
      Ansys Employee

      Hello there,

      The neutral axis lies on the centroid of the cross section.
      In the project outline, you can create a coordinate system at the center of mass (screenshot below) and check its origin in the details window.


      Thank you very much for your response.

      Is there any way to find out the distance of each element from the neutral axis?

    • Armin
      Ansys Employee

      No problem. 
      Once you solved the model, from the Solution tab go to Worksheet and then select LOC_DEF that are available in the three directions (see screenshot below). These will provide the location of each node or element after deformation.

      Then scope it to the node or element of interest (screenshot below). Make sure to change the "Coordinate System" to the one at the centroid, generated using the instruction provided earlier.



      Thank you for your response. 

      where we can find out the LOC_DEFX from worksheet. Could you please explain how we can find out LOC_DEFX? My final aim is to find out the distance from neutral axis of each element. Could you please help me to find out the distance from neutral axis of each element?


    • Armin
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Anupama,

      The Worksheet is accessible from the Solution tab. Please see the screenshot below. 

      Once you selected LOC_DEFX from the worksheet, scope it to the element of interest while ensuring the coordinate system is properly selected to the one at the centroid.

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