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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

Negative torque

    • Purity

      Hi everyone,

      I designed a machine, excited the coils and got negative torque value at no load. Please I need a help because the torque should be positive.

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      What product did you use?

    • Purity


      I used Ansys Maxwell, and after designing the machine I got a negative average moving torque.


    • Timos
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, the reason you're getting negative torque is likely due to the misalignment of the rotor angle with the dq axis. To change it to positive, adjust the initial rotor angle in Motion Setup>Data so that the rotor d-axis is aligned with Phase A negative axis.


    • Purity

      Hello Timos

      Thank you for your response. Please how will I adjust it? Should I pick values randomly until the D-axis is aligned with the Phase A negative axis. Also how will I know that it has aligned?

      Thank you.

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