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Negative initial flow rate in Ansys CFX 2-way FSI

    • Webster

      Hi all,

      First, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

      I am recently trying to run a 2-way FSI with Ansys CFX and Transient Structural modules. It is a physiological case hence I set my initial pressure condition in CFX to 10666 Pa (80 mmHg equivalent). I verified the settings by running standalone CFX and Structural modules, respectively, and there is no problem.

      However, during my coupling, my initial flow rate output from CFX is negative. I had never seen this situation before from CFD, and ideally the first step should not produce a large displacement transfer back to the fluid domain.

      I am therefore wondering, how do CFX and Transient Structural initialise the solution at the first step.

      A few things I have tried:
      - 1-way FSI from CFX to Transient Structural only: no problem
      - 2-way FSI but change the material property to ** structural steel **: no problem, but not physiologically true.
      - lower my initial pressure: my initial flow rate is less negative, but does not really make a diff.

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