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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

named groups not coming into fluent

    • Andrew Hayes

      can some please tell ne how to get my named groups in Space Claim to come into fluent-meshing?  Without my inlet and outlet I can't do anything

    • Andrew Hayes

      I know if I move things out of the enclosure folder the named groups do make it to Fluent meshing, but there is not ability to generate a mesh.  If everything this in the enclosure folder; none of the named sections make it, but you can do a volume mesh.  wtf

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please can you post some images? 

    • Andrew Hayes

      This is with everything in the enclosure folder - I can mesh, but none of the named sections made it

    • Andrew Hayes

      This is if I move everything out of the enclosure folder - all the named groups made it, but I can't mesh it..

    • Andrew Hayes

      if I put the put the enclosure back in the enclosure folder I get the same thing as above - named sections make it, but I can't mesh it

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      All facetted? I'm wondering if you have faces on the body and identical faces on the enclosure, if you label one or the other they're lost when moving to meshing. 

    • Andrew Hayes


      I just have a body surface, and the enclosure that was created in SpaceClaim.  I created groups for the entrance/exit/air(remaining sides of enclosure)/body.  If I highlite the specific named group in SpaceClaim, only that face lights up.  The surface mesh above that worked was quick to show that it worked.  I didn't take the time to make it appropriate for the analysis.  I have tried renaming the groups etc, but I just can't get it to come into Fluent.  I am sure it is something stupid, but I can't figure it out.



    • Andrew Hayes

      another thing I have noticed is that if I am able to mesh everything the max cell length is 1.5xxx, but if I am unable to mesh the max cell length changes to 46.xxxx.  I am not sure if something is going on with the scale of the model when it is brought into Fluent.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I'm not sure about SpaceClaim meshing. Enclosures are more commonly used with a split/subtract to remove the object from the volume, there's also no reason not to copy the faces and build normal geometry from them. 

      Scaling into Fluent Meshing can vary depending on units. It's usually fine from Ansys geometry, but with other formats it not uncommon to be 0.001 or 1000 times off as mm/m/km get scrambled. Just mesh in whatever you have and scale the mesh in Fluent. 

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