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my simulation stopped in my pc after a period of time

    • omar.ennaya

      hello friends

      I run my simulation in fluent and it works very well and when i go home and let the machine continuing the process of calculation, i'm surprised in the next day that the process stopped at 8800 iterations which supposed to be 60000 iterations.

      please any ideas or advices.

      i think it's about the machine settings: the computer maybe forced the programs to stop at a specific period.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Omar,

      You can auto save the files after certain iterations (e.g 1000 iterations), so it will save the  data for you. Once you back next day, you can continue your simulation from saved results.

      You can restrict the number of files saved by Ansys Fluent if you have limited disk space with Retain Only the Most Recent Files option.

      Please refer to the user guide for more information: 48.15. Calculation Activities Task Page (ansys.com)

      Hope this helps!

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