Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

My Ansys Workbench is opened but not displayed on my monitor

    • renaud.pelletier.3

      You can see on the firts image that it is sucessfully loading up and also on the second that two workbench are openened but nonem of them are being displayed on my monitor

    • peteroznewman

      I sometimes have my laptop on a docking station with 2 monitors. Ansys was opened on one of the monitors. I will quit Ansys and take the laptop off the docking station so now I only have the laptop display. When I open Ansys, the Workbench window opens on the non-existent monitor!  The workaround I have found is to open a second copy of Ansys. Now I have two Workbench items showing on the Taskbar.  Right click on one of them and select Maximize, that will pop the Workbench window to my laptop display. Then I can right click on the other Taskbar icon and click X to quit the first copy of Ansys.

      • renaud.pelletier.3

        I had a feeling it was about my second monitor not being connected; it worked and saved me a lot of traveling time thanks a lot ! 

    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator

      You can press the Shift key and right-click the active program or app icon located on the taskbar. Select Move from the pop-up menu. Press the left arrow or right arrow key until the program or app appears on the screen. Hope this helps. Thanks!

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