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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Multiple velocity inlet at same boundary wall

    • Prashant Jha

      Hello all

      As shown in the figure below, on the inlet boundary wall, I want to apply two different velocities for fluid 1 and fluid 2 respectively. How to do this??

      Thank You

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Use "Inlet-1" and "inlet-2"?  I suspect you need to provide more information to make sure what I think you want is what you actually want. 

    • Prashant Jha

      Here the domain represents a rectangular enclosure and circle represents a cylinder, Now two immiscible fluids with different velocities one on top of other are moving towards the cylinder. That is my question, that how can I make this inlet boundary condition possible. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      By using two inlet velocity boundaries. 

    • Prashant Jha

      ok so to use two inlet velocity boundaries, in the boundary conditions dialog box, while specifying the velocity when I edit mixture to repsective phase, then I can't specify the velocity. Also, how to patch the fluids to their respective regions??

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You have Phase-1 & Phase-2 (I suggest choosing better names) and as it's VOF set the mixture velocity and second phase volume fraction. 

      You may want to read up on Patch, in the initialisation section of the solver. 

    • Prashant Jha

      But my phase1 velocity is different and phase 2 velocity is different, the two fluids are approaching at different speeds, so how can I assign mixture velocity

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please read up on the VOF model. You have two inlets, so two velocity settings each able to set one or other phase. 

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