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Multiple errors on simulation of force applied to a specimen.


    • domenico.catenacci

      Hi, im trying to simulate a specimen under pressure on one of its faces, i've tried many changes and suggestions in this, but i keep getting many errors.
      I would really aprecciate if i could share the files with someone and help me understand what should i do and whats wrong, im still learning ansys.

    • peteroznewman

      You have a very large pressure load and very few substeps.  If you use 5000 Initial, Minimum and Maximum Substeps, you will be able to apply a small faction of the load.  The last image applies less than 1% of the load.

    • domenico.catenacci

      Thank you so much for the reply! it seems it works just as you suggested, what i dont understand is how is 54,63 MPa considered a heavy load pressure, shouldnt the probe resist it given its 


      What im trying to do is replicate these forces on the red face on my probe, i'll have to check if my convertion of forces to pressure is correct.

    • domenico.catenacci

      It seems the problem all this time whas my convertion from N/mm^2 to MPa haha, thank you so much for the help.

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