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Multiphase Heat transfer coefficient

    • Mohamed ElFaham

      I am trying to find the equations that calculate the Surface Heat transfer coefficient, Wall adjacent Heat transfer coefficient and Wall temperature in ANSYS FLUENT from the manual guide. 

      I am doing 2-D simulation to calculate the multiphase HTC and to Capture the volume fraction of the vapor phase. I am using ethanol liquid and vapor, applying the VOF model, multiphase model, and Boiling (evaporation and condensation) Model. I have a constant heat flux applied and also a constant saturation temperature.
      please help me to find how these variables are computed in the software under the conditions applied, also If I need to use a specific HTC equation, how I can insert it and make a contour from it. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The HTC values will be in the Field Function section in the User's Guide - 42.4 in the 2024R1 Fluent User's Guide. 

      Solver equations will be covered in the Theory Guide, and the heat transfer used by Fluent will be included in those sections. 

    • Mohamed ElFaham

      how can I find the user guide 2024R1? can you provide a link for it.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Click on Help in the Fluent solver. 

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