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Multiphase flow properties

    • aminhgn



      I am trying to use UDF to define my properties. The problem is 2 phase flow (Liquid Desiccant-humid air). Since both flows are the mixture, I want to use define properties for the liquid desiccant flow but by define_properties loops over all cells. I want to loop over only liquid desiccant solution. for example for calling species which C_YI (c,t,0), I want to apply on liquid desiccant phase.


      Thank you,


    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      You require the proper cell thread phase corresponding to the phase containing the component you want to specify. Check the customization manual for more info.

    • aminhgn

      Thank you for your kindly reply. My problem has been solved. I only have one more problem, I want to use DEFINE_SPECIFIC_HEAT to define my cp based on concentration and temperature. this function is :

      DEFINE_SPECIFIC_HEATname, T, Tref, h, yi)

      which i can use T instead of C_T function but what about C_YI which is concentration? How can I get my concentration in my function?




    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      the mass fraction are contained in the pointer array yi passed to the macro.

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