We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Multi tabs in Discovery

    • Sander van Doesburg

      Dear Support,

      Currently it's not possible to open multiple 3D designs at onse like tabs in SpaceClaim.
      When will this come in to Discovery?

      We really need this feature to be worth it to use Discovery.

    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Sander,

      This is currently not possible in Ansys Discovery.
      Let me check with team if there is any plan to bring this in Ansys Discovery in the future.

    • Sander van Doesburg

      Please let me know it's really important for us otherwise we might switch to another cad solution.

    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Sander,

      In the meantime, if your purpose is to open individual components into new tabs within Ansys Discovery, you can do that from the drop down menu by right clicking on the component. (refer images)

      • Sander van Doesburg

        Hi Subashni,


        Could you give me an update if this is on the roadmap?

        Otherwise we are not able to migrate our customers..

        • Sander van Doesburg



          Could someone please respond?


    • Benjamin P.


      I'm also interessed in this reply, i have understand that Spaceclaim will be no more available in the future and we will need to switch to Discovery....

      For some users like us, Discovery is a big downgrade regarding the features of Spaceclaim, maybe it is time to begin searches for an other CAD solution...


      Best regards, Benjamin

      • Sander van Doesburg

        Hi @benjamin where did you find the info?

        • Benjamin P.

          Hi @sander, 

          after a short discuss with our software supplier, they told me that Spaceclaim will be still available but the future improvements will be implemented only in Discovery.

          Best regards, Benjamin

    • Benjamin P.

      Hi Sander,

      Here :

      What's News Ansys Discovery 2024r2 (calameo.com)

      Best regards, Benjamin

    • Sander van Doesburg
      Will this feature be added in Discovery? We still have no answer.. Please let us know something.
    • efem

      I also stumbled into this topic. That affects our workflow massively and would be, as someone else said, a big downgrade compared to SpaceClaim. 

      Could someone from Ansys please give an update on this topic?

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