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Mode Source injection for DGTD ?


    • amitrotem2

      I want to simulate propagating modes traveling in some curved waveguide structure;
      FDTD has "mode source" for that, is there somthing similar for DGTD?
      All I could find is plane waves and Gaussian.

      How can I inject a 2D mode profile into DGTD ?

    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Amit,

      That is correct. The DGTD is a relatively new solver and therefore doesn't have all the features typically required for PIC simulations. I believe they will be included over time but at the moment you will have to use either FDTD/MODE to inject/simulate a guided mode.



    • amitrotem2

      Is there a workaround or hack i can implement to control the injected field?

    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Amit,

      I don't there is. But let me double check internally and get back to you on this.


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