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Mode Solutions Bug Found

    • Sept

      Hello I just wanted confirmation on the following issue that I just encountered.

      I have a model with EME and FDE solver inside. My procedure before running the simulation was to disable one of the solvers when using the other.

      This has to lead to the ports calculating for the incorrect modes in comparison to when the simulation contains only one solver (I comment out one of the solver setups). 

      I have attached images and port calculations with the mothods. 


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      I tested this file https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042305354-Edge-coupler and did not find this issue.

      I guess it is because for some versions port1 is located exactly at the waveguide intersection, and when in EME you use "full simulation span" sometimes EME may use left or right side of the interface. Please make sure the port is completely located inside one waveguide, not in the intersection. 

      • Sept

        Hi Guilin,

        I am assuming you have the latest version of Lumerical installed.

        I ran the same edge-coupler simulation for the Lumerical V2024 R1.3 and V2024 R2.2. When calculating for the modes in the waveguide I get an issue still. For this example file I have also moved the port away from the boundary and get the same issue as the image I have attached in this thread.

        Any help debuggint this would be very helpful.


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      I would suggest you to install the newest version. 

      Or do not use the full span. You can specify the EME begining and ending locations with specified x values.


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