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Mode profile

    • Z.Shahrabifarahani

      Hi everyone,
      I try to plot the mode profile by the data I got from my lumerical data.
      But the intensity distributation is going beyound 1.

      Is it normal?  Because I was expecting to get the value which is normalized

    • Dev
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, this seems not right.

      Can you share more details on how you extratcted mode profile.

      Also, plot the same graph using lumerical and let me know.

      Thank you.

    • Z.Shahrabifarahani

      Hi, thank you very much for your prompt reply!

      This is the script I used to get the data for my monitor:









      And this is my matlab code to get this plot:

      m =((numel(MyData.x)+1)/2) + 1;
         grid on
         hold on
          m = ((x+1) /2) + 1;       #To get the central value of x which is the center of my stucture

         E_x = Ex(m,:,1,3);      # Ex(x,y,z,freq num)
         E_x_abs = abs(E_x);
         plot(x, E_x_abs,':', 'LineWidth',3)
         grid on
         hold on

         E_y = Ey(m,:,1,3);
         E_y_abs = abs(E_y);
         plot(x, E_y_abs,':','LineWidth',3)
         grid on
         hold on

         E_z = Ez(m,:,1,3);
         E_z_abs = abs(E_z);
         plot(x, E_z_abs,'b','LineWidth',3)

    • Dev
      Ansys Employee


      Thank you for sharing the code.

      Which software you are using? I mean Mode or FDTD to generate mode profile? Which monitor are you using to generate mode profile?

      Have you tried visualizing mode data in Lumerical software.

      eg: I am using Eigen solver to generate mode profile of waveguide.

      You can refer the following to extract the data: using getdata to grab mode profiles (

      Thank you



    • Z.Shahrabifarahani

      I am using FDTD solwer.
      The monitor I am using is: DFTMonitor

      And, yes!
      When I visualize the E_y at monitor it's also the same as follows:

    • Z.Shahrabifarahani

      But I need to explain that I am using a lot of DFTMonitors is a single simulation with distance of a 0.5 um and 1 um to get the mode profile at different spaces of my structure. 

      I was wondering maybe too many monitors in a single simulation is generatig this error!
      Here is my waveguide structure (an optical nanofiber with a polygonal cut throuth it).



    • Z.Shahrabifarahani


      Just so you know, i ran my simulation and only kept one of monitors (and disabled the rest).
      Byt infortunately I got the same problem. Here is the result I got from a single monitor in the simulation:


    • Dev
      Ansys Employee



      DFT monitor records data for specified wavelength. The data is a mixture of all modes that were excited during the propagation. So the monitor might not be a good way to get the result.

      I would suggest to usemode source and mode expansion monitor to get mode profile and S parameter or a or b coefficient to calculate mode amplitude.

      Note 1 : If there is propagation and waveguide changes, the field profile is not a single mode. mode expansion monitor or port should be used to decompose the monitor data 

      Note 2: FDE also produce nomalized results if cross section of waveguide is uniform. But in your simulation its not the case.

      Hope this helps.



    • Z.Shahrabifarahani

      Thanks for the explnation.


    • Z.Shahrabifarahani

      But using the FDE solver is NOT a suitable solver for my case, as based on the explanation in your website, the cross-section of the waveguide should remain uniform, which is not the case in my simulation.

    • Dev
      Ansys Employee

      Yes. You are right. 

      So the possible solution will be "using mode source and mode expansion monitor to get mode profile and S parameter or a or b coefficient to calculate mode amplitude".


    • Z.Shahrabifarahani

      Great, Thanks!
      I am currently using mode source, but I will try mode expansion from now on.


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