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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Mixing planes (stage) vs Frozen Rotor in CFX floating point errors

    • Kevin Gnanaraj

      Hi all,

      I am trying to run a simulation in CFX to determine the static thrust of a propeller. I have not been getting results that match experimental data, so I tried to compare FR to stage. However, with the exact same settings on both, I keep getting floating point overflow errors when using the stage interface when compared to FR. What would I need to change to make it work? I want to make this comparison because I will be using valid results to run a coaxial contra-rotating configuration, and frozen rotor will not be ideal for that simulation.

      What boundary conditions do I need to add to have a good simulation to get good results? I have tried total pressure, static pressure, velocity for the inlet, and pressure and opening outlets that haven't provided good results. You can see the images here:

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee


      Can you check the mesh quality? The mesh quality statistics can be found in the OUT file. Please see if the mesh is OK.

    • Kevin Gnanaraj

      Which specific statistics do you want? It was meshed with a target skewness of 0.9

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee

      Also, you can turn on double precision for the run.

    • Kevin Gnanaraj

      That was also done, I have asked some people, who have said that my boundary conditions are wrong, I will report back once once simulations with the new conditions are complete.

      I was using a symmetry condition and opening pressure of 1 atm and a total pressure of 1 atm, which resulted in little fluid motion.

    • Kevin Gnanaraj

      My simulations are even worse, I am getting a force of 1400 N when I expect 45 N. Also, I'm running on a compute cluster, and am trying to run parallel, nd have set a flag 

      module load ANSYS/2021R1
      nodes="sed -e :a -e N -e 's/\n/,/' -e ta $TMPDIR/mpichnodes"
      /apps/Common/software/ANSYS/2021R1/v211/CFX/bin/cfx5solve -def default_mesh.def -double
      -par -par-dist $nodes -start-method "HP MPI Distributed Parallel"
      but I see serial when editing run in progress. What did I write wrong?

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