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Missing script content in the old post

    • Chaofu Sun

      I'm looking for a method to simulate nano particles scattering under NA beams. The old post   might be helpful but it seems lost some content about the scripts and examples. If the author or anyone else who saved the relevant content see this request for help, could you help restore the missing content in that post?  

      I appreciate for your help.


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Unfortunately the new Forum policy does not allow us to share the script.

      Basically, the work flow is like this:

      1: with the scatter, you do the simulation, make sure you use override mesh to have the TFSF uniform meshed.

      2: get the E and H field components from the monitors;

      3: witht the same mesh in the previous simulation, simply disable the scatter, and run the reference simulation

      4: get the E and H field data

      5: get the difference of the field data. and then do the integration. 

      The rest is to follow the script in the scattering example.



    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      I found this exmaple uses custom TFSF source. But its main goal is not for such TFSF. YOu may get some help to understand how does it work to get the field difference, and then integrate the Poynting vector to get the power.

      • Chaofu Sun

        It seems useful, thanks for your help 

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