Embedded Software

Embedded Software

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Missing file in compilation

    • Luz Paulina Aguilar

      Compilation of the generated code for a SCADE Suite model fails due to missing kcg_assign.h file.  Why is this file not generated?

    • Benjamin Descorps
      Ansys Employee


      For instance, the kcg assign macro must be provided by the end-user either through the user cong mechanism or through a kcg assign.h file. This is why it is not generated automatically by KCG.
      The user shall provide her/his kcg_assign.h file containing the definition of the kcg_assign macro. An example of the kcg_assign.h file is available in the SCADE installation repository (used for Simulation purpose):
      #ifndef kcg_assign
      #include "string.h"
      #define kcg_assign(kcg_C1, kcg_C2, kcg_size) (memcpy((kcg_C1), (kcg_C2), (kcg_size)))
      #endif /* kcg_assign */
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