General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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microstructure ansys additive

    • n n

      Hello i want to ask about the signification about these coefficient used in ansys additive what they represent exactly in the nucleation law 

      what is the value of the nucleation parameter used in ansys additive? what is the value of the fraction solid used in ansys additive in the microstructure simulation ?

    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee

      Is your last screenshot (referring to 'number of nuclei' and 'nucleation parameter') part of the Ansys online docs?  It looks like an outside reference.

    • n n

      it refers to this article:

       J. Akram, P. Chalavadi, D. Pal, and B. Stucker, “Understanding grain evolution in additive manufacturing through modeling,” Addit. Manuf., vol. 21, no. March, pp. 255–268, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2018.03.021.

      i think in this article they used ansys additive so the same assumtions and models are true is it ?

    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee

      From Part 4, Section 1.2.1 of the Additive Print and Science Guide, 'These inputs are laid out in a .json file format with material properties held within the configuration parameter....'  


    • n n

      is these materials properties available for Ti6Al4V ?

    • n n

      i want thes data for the titanium alloy and not for the 17-4PH 

    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee

      If you navigate to the directory where Ansys is installed, and execute a file search on 'material-data.json', you can find files for each material.  Each material has its own subdirectory. 

      This is what my installation looks like..Below is what I found for Ti64..

    • n n
      thank you for your response, what does it mean coeff A and B for penetration depth and absorptivy coeff a and coeff b
    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee

      They are used by material tuning tool. Below is from R2024-R1 beta docs...

      'The penetration depth is defined as the distance a laser heat source can reach down to the material at its 95% cumulative energy. During the additive manufacturing process, the laser can vaporize material in the melt pool, which may sometimes create a vapor cavity within the melt pool. Depending on the laser power level, the vapor cavity size will vary. In general, a larger vapor cavity will contribute to a deeper penetration depth since less energy is lost within the vapor cavity. Our simplified volumetric heat source model does not cover the vapor cavity formation phenomenon, therefore, we need to include coefficients to tune the model with respect to different materials and process parameters.

      Four penetration depth coefficients that will be determined by the tuning process are:

      • penetrationDepthPowderCoeffA

      • penetrationDepthPowderCoeffB

      • penetrationDepthSolidCoeffA

      • penetrationDepthSolidCoeffB

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