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Meshing optimized lattice

    • Seonaid Deely
      I've made an internal optimized latticed structure that must be analyse using a static structural however, I cannot create a mesh. I've tried every mesh method available, with cartesian being the only one to generate a partial mesh. I need a full one. I've reduced the mesh size to 1mm and added named selections to isolated the internal structure and shell as an attempt to mesh each separately but again it fails.

      the error messages details; "The following entities with objects scoped to them were unable to have mesh data correctly associated with them. Try removing the object scoped to these entities or try another mesh method to get a successful mesh."

      The first image (pink) is the furthest I have gotten with the mesh. The second image is the internal lattice structure, it has a 0.1mm shell.

      I would appreciated any suggestions on how to fix this.
    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      See if you can use Layered tetrahedron or patch independent tetra. 

      For PI tetra, make sure you use appropriate sizes. See how the octree method works: Patch Independent Algorithm for Tetrahedrons Method Control (

      You need to pick an appropriate mesh size for the method. Slice and mesh a small region of the geometry and then once you know the appropriate size that works, use that on the full model and see if it helps.

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