

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Meshing of Lattice Features (modeled in Spaceclaim) in Ansys Mechanical

    • Scott Boylan


      I am trying to perform FEA on an intervertebral cage model with a lattice throughout the geometry. I created solid cage geometries using Creo Parametric and inserted Minimal surface lattices using spaceclaim. Upon opening the geometry in Ansys Workbench I cannot mesh the parts and recieve "Mesh could not be completed due to poor quality elements" error. I have tried using a Tetrahedron patch independent method however I got the same error. I am also unsure what settings to use in each meshing method.

      Anyone have any idea what else I could try to mesh this geometry?

      Thanks in Advance.

    • mjmiddle
      Ansys Employee

      Please review this post:


      Try smaller mesh sizes (minimum size, etc...) in the patch independent mesh method. You can also set smaller sizes usign a face or body sizing.

      There is also some sizing where you can control the max size on the global mesh object.

      Also, set the shape checking to standard Mechanical on the global mesh object.

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