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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Meshing Issues

    • acwh

      Hi ANSYS Community

      I am trying to mesh a geometry of a drone in ANSYS Fluent but the error box that says "One or more entities failed to mesh. The mesh of these entities may not be up-to-date. However, meshing might be successful on the other entities." keeps appearing.

      I have tried to change the mesh size but the problem still persist.

      May I check if anyone knows a solution to this?

      Figure 1. The error box and the failed mesh


      Figure 2. The symmetry aircraft


      Figure 3. The mesh details 1


      Figure 4. The mesh details 2

      Figure 5. The mesh details 3

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Check the dimensions of the parts. You may be trying to add too coarse a mesh. There's also a cell count limit in Student but that error's usually clearer. 

      • Huers Nuiis

        It's a good suggestion for how to solve this problem 

        basket random

    • acwh

      Hi Rwoolhou!

      Thank you very much for the suggestion!

      I am currently using the Research version and I have set the settings to fine with 0.001 as the max size of the elements but the problem still persist.

      May I check if there are any ways to overcome this problem?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Usually, use right click on the error message at the bottom and select show problematic area. It will show some location. You will need to modify geometry at that location or change mesh sizes. 

      Other option is as follows. 

      There are many components. I recommend, first reduce your problem size. With so many components, it will be difficult to identify the problem. Only take few components and check if you can get the mesh. Then add some more components and check if you can mesh. By this way you can find out which body is giving problem in meshing. 

      As ANSYS Staff, we can not download attachments. Please insert images using insert image functionality. 




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    • acwh

      Hello Kkanade!

      Thank you very much for the advice! I appreciate it a lot!

      I will give it a shot and try it out!


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