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Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Mesher failed to mesh topological edges

    • Md Minal Nahin

      Hi, I am trying to mesh the following geometry using Match Control

      However, I am always getting the error: Mesher failed to mesh topological edges.

      Does anyone know any solutions to this? 



    • peteroznewman

      Please show the full geometry and where you chose to slice out the section. If you don't have the identical topology on both faces of the section, match control won't work.

      If you would like to put a Workbench Project Archive file .wbpz  (NOT .wbpj) up on a file sharing site such as Google Drive, OneDrive or Jumpshare, you can put a link to that file in your reply and I will take a closer look. Make sure to create a link that anyone can download.

      When you reply, say what version of ANSYS you are using.

    • Md Minal Nahin

      Hello Peter,

      Thanks for your reply. Here is the google drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11BA9Lnq2VwJBZrJGglQZBwSZx_6_Dcff?usp=sharing

      And, the version is ANSYS 2022 R1. 

      Thanks in advance!

    • peteroznewman


      From the Ansys Help Manual

      1. In the Details View, select Cyclic as the Transformation type and a coordinate system with its z-axis aligned to the axis of rotation for the geometry.

      Create a new Coordinate System but rotate 90 about Global Y to put the Z-axis along the axis of rotation and it will mesh without error.


    • Md Minal Nahin

      Wow! That works! Thanks a lot, Peter!

    • Agung Limowa

      Hii have the same problem, i can't find the cyclic menu can you tell me more detail ?

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