

Topics relate to geometry, meshing, and CAD

Mesh Refinement

    • njakimovska


      I am trying to generate this mesh like the picture here: 

      However, I used mapped face meshing and since I cannot use inflation I am struggling to make the cell sizes smaller along the edges. This is what I currently have:

      I would really appreciate your advice! 

    • Naresh Patre
      Ansys Employee

      Hello njakimovska,

      You need to assign Edge Sizing with appropriate biasing to refine the mesh. Check out below video on edge sizing and biasing.

    • njakimovska

      Hi, thank you for your answer. 

      I was also wondering how to get refinement at these(the ones market with a red arrow) sections of the nozzle. Because what I have are not straight lines like here.  


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      You may need to slice the face at these locations to get edges. Then you can use those edges to give sizing. 



    • Naresh Patre
      Ansys Employee

      You need to spit the face at those locations (shown by red color in below image) and then assign edge sizing with baising on the vertical edges (shown by yellow color)

    • njakimovska

      Hi thanks for your reply, I split those faces and created the mesh. However,

      when I name the outlet of my nozzle I get an error in the setup saying "cannot change surface body to fluid. They are different kinds."


      Any suggestions on how I can fix this?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      You can change it to Fluid in solver. 




    • KR
      Is this error in meshing or in the solver? Could you please post a screenshot?

      Thank you.

      Best Karthik
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