TAGGED: Ansys Discovery
June 21, 2021 at 7:24 pm
SubscriberHi everyone.
This is my first Question since we upgraded to the new licensing.
It seems that i open a relatively small file, 150mg, the memory in the task manager climbs and but never reduces, even if i leave the file i am working on idle. So after 5 minutes or so of working, i cant even open and close components with out it freezing for 20-30 seconds, or trying to do anything at all. So closing and opening is the only solution.. Could it be that the software is not clearing the cache memory while you work on a file? What ever the case may be, is any one else experiencing this behavior? This is not a new issue as 2020 R2 had the same problem but not near as bad. Any help here will be greatly appreciate. I did email support hoping to start a ticket.
June 22, 2021 at 4:47 am
Charudatta Bandgar
Forum ModeratorHello Rick Szanyi
Are you using Discovery or SpaceClaim? Does that happen with a generic small file, since 150Mb is still a big file for geometry file? Will it be possible to send the file, so that we can rule out the possibility of it being file specific issue. I will discuss the memory issue with the experts to understand more on what could the issue be, and I will get back to you on that.
Make sure to check if the graphic card driver is updated from the manufacturers' website.
June 22, 2021 at 10:50 am
SubscriberCharudatta Bandgar sorry, SpaceClaim, large Assemblies. I do Mold design, and there are many components including the hydraulic press setup.
Not sure what Discovery is.
June 22, 2021 at 10:51 am
June 22, 2021 at 7:42 am
SubscriberHi Rick Szanyi I faced similar problems after upgrading the licensing model. See this post. In the end I had to set up my machine completely new.-
June 22, 2021 at 12:06 pm
SubscriberI got it figured out!
I thought maybe the data in my large press assemble may be the culprit.
I created the file 10 years ago and have been adding to it constantly.
I copy portions of it into every mold file i work on.
So i exported everything out, imported it into a brand new file and saved it.
the file size went from 344 mg(every single component) to 88 mg!!
Now it is seamlessly fast!
Hope this helps anyone in my situation.
June 23, 2021 at 3:58 am
Charudatta Bandgar
Forum ModeratorRick Szanyi Thanks for the update!
August 22, 2023 at 2:11 pm
Hugh Hunsucker
We had our Ansys vendor, DRD Technology in Tulsa, open this issue up with Ansys. Ansys has admitted there is a problem, and they are (reportedly) working on a solution. But they have been working a long time. We have sent several files their way to use in troubleshooting. So far they report no results. The problem first happened for us in Release 2022 R2. I think it was also present in 2021, though. We upgraded to 2023 R1 because of the problem, but we got no relief. We have done what Rick did, export an independent SCDOC file, import that file into a new Static Analysis block in Workbench. It works, but since our models are very complex, it means losing all the setup work in Mechanical, so we avoid it. That said, the cause of the problem has been identified. It is caused by the Undo button. The workaround, however, IS NOT to limit the number of Undo saves in the SpaceClaim Options app. That will not help. The only thing that will work, besides Rick’s export-import idea, is to purge the Undo list when SpaceClaim gets too slow. Ram usage will drop back down to the baseline value and start building again from there.
I should add this. While Ansys' response to this problem has been less than stellar, DRD Technology has pursued it aggressively. They identified the cause as being the Undo option. And it was also their aggressive pursuit that got Ansys to finally put it in their bug list. Kudo's to DRD.
August 22, 2023 at 2:23 pm
Hugh Hunsucker
SubscriberI forgot this. Two other things work. You can restart Workbench, which will clear ram. After reopening SpaceClaim, ram will start climbing again. But it will be usable for a while. Or you can let ram usage climb high enough that your computer blue-screens itself. That also works quite well.
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