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General Mechanical

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Mechanical scripting – coupling ACP and Ansys Mechanical

    • s310413

      Hi everyone,

      I'm trying to write a pyAnsys script to analyse a composite structure. I'm launching a Mechanical session in which I import the geometry then a set the mesh and the boundary conditions. Then I save the input file (file .dat). After saving and closing the Mechanical session, with pyACP I import the input.dat file and I define the composite material. After defining the composite material, is there a way to upload the model and run the simulation in Ansys Mechanical or the only way is to solve the ACP model in a MAPDL session? In pyAnsys guide I found how to import and solve the ACP model in MAPDL but I would prefer to run the analysis in Mechanical, if it is possible. Thanks.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee











      It is possible to open a cdb with pyMechanical (2024 R2).

      (this shows the commands involved - same can be used in pyMEchanical : https://discuss.ansys.com/discussion/4431/how-to-add-a-model-in-standalone-mechanical)

      So you can do that.

      There are possible other ways, but this is the most easy way and similar to the pyacp ->pymapdl example (example) that also opens up the cdb file generated by acp.

      All the best











    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      Closing as other forum members might find it useful.

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